Tuesday, February 27, 2007

on blogging

i've decided to start another blog. i had one before, and it was canceled by the provider, so for now i'll be using google, and reposting all of my old blogs.
my provider before was civiblog, which was essentially a non-profit blog hoster. now i'm with google. i was intrigued when i read that their mission statement was "don't be evil," so i chose them to host my new blog. i have become a bigger fan of google as they have continued to release new products to the public for free, and have taken the lead in providing users with tools that customize the computer, and thus learning, and greatly increase the efficiency of the user's experience. for free.
of course, much of me still believes that they are a wolf in sheep's clothing. i would be interested to hear more from any readers about their thoughts. this, of course, assumes that anyone will ever read this.

one last thing: my aesthetic style is not meant to be an homage to either bell hooks or e e cummings, not that i dislike them. at the risk of a cheesy joke, i could say it is because i am ant-capitalist. in actuality, i simply find it easier to type this way, and as an aspiting linguist i find capital letters stuffy and pointless.